Wednesday, June 8, 2011


We had an awesome summer dinner last night. Hotdogs served with a fine collection of mustards plus two salads that a lovely friend (the one I went camping with who needs a pseudonym here) brought over to share with us. She is a hella cook. One was cole slaw, but not just any cole slaw. She added pineapple juice and raisins- different and tasty! The other was a shrimp and pasta salad. Mmmmm! Then after dinner, something very exciting happened! You will have to wait to find out because I have to get ready to go out to breakfast with my dad. He always shows up early and I'm never ready. Then he says, "Take your time! There's no rush!" But of course I feel rushed since there's someone waiting on me.

PS: I'm having those salads again for lunch today. Other random morning thoughts: I really need to get those zinnia seedlings into the ground. They love hot weather and we're gunnin' for 90 today. Also, we got almost 800 hits yesterday- thank youse!

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