First I cleaned up this area. Whoever lived here before loved landscape fabric and gravel. This pisses me off no end.

Unearthing it and throwing it in the garbage is really hard but so worth it.

Variegated hosta and forget-me-not under the now dead birch. I did NOT plant that broad-leafed shitweed that is so prominent in the picture. (I'm trying to be more ladylike. I actually call it fuckerweed due to its horrid taproot that makes it impossible to remove).

It's choking the hostas which need to be moved anyway so they don't get damaged when the tree comes down.

Supplies: Bucket of rescued hosta, bucket of rescued spiderwort from another overgrown area, a few evening primrose, transplant spade, water, slug beer and kneeler.

Ta dum! Also, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that it looks like shit. It's all sparse and that side of the woodshed needs painting and the plants look all roughed up. You gotta see it like a gardener, see what will be and not what is. I will send you back to this post in a month or two and you'll see what I mean.
PS: I didn't hide the slug beer well enough. Monster drank it all. At least this time there weren't actual slugs in it though he has never let that get in the way of enjoying his beer.
I'll look forward to seeing how it develops! And fuckerweed works. :p
Hi Cyn! Glad you stopped by :)
Lurker here. I can't wait to see that hosta next year. Have you been to Gayle and Paul's lately? They has tons of solid green hostas. Big ones!
Hey Reader- Haven't been over there in at least a year. Paul came to our most recent party and our guests just loved him and his great stories. Quite the rock star, your BIL!
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