Friday, July 24, 2009

Perennial Bed

Before (taken in late April or early May) and after (taken this month). No matter how much you plan, a flower bed doesn't ever come out exactly the way you envisioned it.

I could never have anticipated the bee balm getting so tall. It was supposed to be around 3 ft, so I planted the Korean Angelica behind it- that's supposed to top out around 5 ft later in the summer. As of right now, the bee balm is hiding it, but it hasn't bloomed yet, so I'm hoping the bee balm will have finished by then and I can cut it back. Angelica needs room to shine!

Also, I unwittingly got a dwarf variety of sea holly (eryngium). It's pretty, but only about a foot tall. No cut flowers for me and it needs to be moved so it shows more. Lots of work to do out there. Thinking out loud now... I'd better stop before the Boring-O-Meter starts flashing.


Unknown said...

Grandma is smiling....

Broken Barn Industries said...

I think she'd REALLY be smiling about the Indian Pinks if she could see them- they are an amazing shade of red- the pic I took doesn't do them justice. I've got cardinal flower started too, but that probably won't bloom until next year. If I get any this year, I'll be sure to post it.