Monday, July 6, 2009

Better Pix of the Mystery Flower

Grows wild around here, blooms late mid-June till early July, probably a little sooner off the ridge, smells like heaven. Still hoping someone out there can tell us what it is! Click on pix to enlarge.


Unknown said...

is it some kind of jasmin?

Broken Barn Industries said...

Nope. Doesn't grow this far north. Thanks for trying though! Might end up bringing a piece to my garden guy to see if he knows. Paul knows all.

Unknown said...

sweet olive.

Unknown said...

i believe that is a sweet olive. grows wild in southern california.

Anonymous said...

it's called ligustrum.

Broken Barn Industries said...

Not sweet olive, not ligustrum- neither of those grow this far north. Keep tryin' kids- we really wanna know! I'll have to remember to go check it for fruits/ berries now that it's done flowering.

Broken Barn Industries said...

Elderberries! Unfortunately, they got run over by the Lull when they were taking the barn down. Dunno if they'll grow back. Damn. We could have been making pie all this time!