Sunday, December 30, 2007

It's a Bit Early To Be Thinking About Christmas

But I love Christmas! Anyway, here's a card that I made for my mister's Mom. She loves it and says I should make more and sell them via the Broken Barn. I'm really flattered cuz I think his mom has good taste! What do you think, kids? I know it's a weird reindeer, what with the blue antlers, but it's cold out there after a long run. I reckon he's due for some hot chocolate.

PS: Here's one last picture of our tree- we took it down yesterday. Now it's out by the bird feeder so my little chickadees can have a more lux dining experience.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your misters MoM,must be perty smart,she was totaly,correct in what she said.Is she available to be hitched ?