Saturday, August 15, 2009

Hound's Hall - Chapter 1

Legend has it that on one particularly gloomy night, The Right Reverend tripped over the dog and fell down the stairs. Following is another guest blog from His Most Holiest on High. Ladies and gentleman, we present chapter one of Hound's Hall, a retelling of the actual events as they happened, by The Right Reverend.

High upon a bluff, overlooking the quaint village of R_ , rests a manor house, "Hounds Hall". Tragedy seems to follow many of the masters of Hounds Hall.

It seems, the stately stairway, leading to the lavish sleeping quarters, has been the focial point of numerious "accidents", claiming many victims. The twisted and contorted bodies of these unlucky souls, found at the bottommost landing, always had a look of disbelief and horror. The bloody footprints of the masters beloved hound were always present.

The stairs, built to the Queens code of standards, have been inspected by the local authorities and found to be in good working condition. Capitan William Slipalot, village code enforcement officer states, "I have inspected the said stairs and have found nothing to be out of the ordnary. But, I will not step foot in the Hall after dark. I have heard the stories, you know. Better to be safe than sorry"

It seems, late a night, villagers have heard sounds in the great Hall. Many towns folk will not pass the stately Hall at night, for fear of hearing the cries for help and seeing the rivers of blood slowly making its way down the long winding carriage path, past the ornate well house, and on to highway.

"The evil laughter from the hounds, deep inside the Hall, really makes my potmarked skin crawl," states Linda, the town idiot. Many of the towns folk have heard the laughter of the hounds, but only Egbert, the town hangman and gravedigger have seen the laughing dogs.

"One night, I peeked into the masters library window and saw..........the hounds playing some sort of card game, drinking fine brandy, and some were even smoking. They were barking and howling like a bunch of school girls. You they do at the convent when Father Buttfugger has those dreams about the alterboys."

So.......I will leave you to ponder the story of Hounds hall...........Until next time..Sleep tight

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