Sunday, August 30, 2009

Look Closely-

We planted some packets of wildflower seeds this spring. When you walk around that bed, this is a lot of what you see. Some of them are perennials and won't bloom till next year, so there's just this mass of green shape and texture interspersed with a few annuals.

Now look closer- those are Bells of Ireland hiding in there, right next to shamrocks no less! Not only is this cool in and of itself, but it's a great example of how forgiving gardening can be. See, in spring my loverly daughter brought me a six-pack of Bells of Ireland that she'd started from seed in her apartment. I was very excited because I'd tried them in the past without success. But then I did a bad thing: I procrastinated. And then I procrastinated some more. And then it rained so I couldn't get out there. And so on. Before I knew it, they'd gotten so pot bound that they died. I felt so badly about it, to a point where I had to make a concerted effort to stop beating myself up for it, and just remember that I can try again next year. Now here we are a few months later, and I have Bells of Ireland in spite of myself. Whodda thunk it?

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