Thursday, September 22, 2011

Pseudoscience & Shit

Here is a thing I have learned over the years:  When you are sad or worried or angry or what- have-you, you can employ any number of healthy tools to combat said what-have-you.  The tools are as follows:
  • Do yoga
  • Eat Vitamin-of-the-Year
  • Document your family tree
  • Get a massage/ self-care session of I-Love-Me
  • Call a friend
  • Talk To A Professional
  • Take Drugs
I'm sure there are more but I'm too tired to name them- you get the idea.  Now, don't get me wrong.  None of those are bad ideas.  Allow me, however, to offer my own idea:

Bobbing for apples whilst listening to the one and only Machine Gun Fellatio...

1 comment:

Broken Barn Industries said...

Everyone should have some Machine Gun Fellatio in their self-care kit!