I just realized that if you read through pieces of our tag cloud, you sometimes find Ginsberg-esque poem-seeming things. See below:
Yankees STILL suck Yankees suck yard birds yarrow yay yay candles yay Primus one burner yay us yay woodstove yellow yep i still have a dog yes I have some today yes you have been you decide you go boy you have a dirty mind you know who you are you're the best young lives your image your twitters are tiny nerve impulses zinnia zinnias zoiks zoom zoom Zoppe zucchini casserole
I don't really know what happens if you click on those. Should you choose to, let me know if you found anything I should revisit.
As a teacher of literature, I'd say that you have a post modernist poem here. I did click on zoom zoom where I found your recipe for iced coffee.
if you click on it, it'll pull up all posts you've tagged with that tag.
I know, Karen. It was basically a cheap trick to get more hits on the blog. (It's working.)
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